The show  deal with  with different subjects such as a  galloping bunch of people, power, purity, vulneravility, beauty and  transcendence , giving us the necessary clues to understand  that a society becomes richer and healthier as we integrate diversity and take good care  of other people regardless of their age, background, experience and vital moments.

The project  revolves  around a group of five professional contemporary dancers and a creational and research workshop addressed to twenty people familiar with the art of movement, using a methodology and tools related to the concepts we deal with. Thanks to that , the participants in the workshop will play a part in the show.

Direction and Creation: Beatriz Palenzuela Martinez
Asistant direction: Rafael de la Rafael De La Lastra.
Choreography: Beatriz Palenzuela in colaboration with the dancers.
Dancers: David Eusse, Alejandra Balboa, Natalia Navarro, Pablo Venero, Marcos, García Eva Alonso y Los Participantes Del Laboratorio
Ligth Desing: Victor Cadenas de Gea
Sound Desing: Evil Kate
Set and wardrobe design: Babirusa Danza
Video: Sergio M Villar
Photo: Ernesto León y Ana Erdozain


Subvención para la producción en Danza del Gobierno de Cantabria 2022.
Colabora: Laboratorio de Investigación en Teatro Pradillo Madrid, Residencia de Investigación Centro Coreográfico Canal Madrid, Residencia Artística en el Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria, Residencia Técnica en el Centro de Recursos Escénicos la Nave del Duende de Cáceres y Ayuda a Gira del INAEM.
Este espectáculo forma parte del Catálogo de Espectáculos Recomendados de Camino Escena Norte 2023.
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