Paraphrasing David le Breton for us just like the arrival of spring Dancing introduces us to the sensations of the body with the world, gives us a full experience. Through this show we propose the spectator to taste time, take an existential detour, discover unknown places and faces, extend corporally the knowledge of an inexhaustible world of senses and sensorialities. During the process of creation a Garden of its own has been revealed before us where different situations happen to us, spring is the rebirth of this scenic experience, one of the sources of inspiration being the work painted by David Hockney during confinement. Dancing is a method of reincarnation of time and space. It is a dispossession and an inner vein that is due only instantly, it implies a certain state of mind, a blessed humility before the world, an indifference to technology and modern media. A leisurely enjoyment of time.
Choreography and direction: Beatriz Palenzuela Martinez.
Asistant direction: Rafael de la Rafael De La Lastra.
Dancers: Rafael de la Lastra y Beatriz Palenzuela.
Ligth Desing: Beatriz Palenzuela.

Soun Space: Babirusa Danza
Text: Beatriz Palenzuela.

Set and wardrobe design: Babirusa Danza
Support for the production of the Government of Cantabria 2020.
Collaborators: Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria, Centro de Gestión de Recursos Escénicos La Nave del Duende Cáceres, Centro Cultural Ramón Pelayo Solares and Ayuda a Gira del INAEM.
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