Tar and Feathers has two formats: one on stage and another short version for unconventional venues.

First Prize at DeUnaPieza Contest2013 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
The project builds on the experiences during the social movements of 15M in Madrid and makes us rethink the expression “you are a chicken”. In these times of crisis we all get carried away by the flow of events. We are all responsible for what happens. Oppression, fear and manipulation are installed throughout society. In this very dark picture the possibility of finding another path to hope arises. Tar and feathers has two formats: one on stage and another short version for unconventional venues.
The choreographer engages in a solo where her mask is identified with that of a man, a dance through repressive gestures identified with patriarchy, characters like Hitler and Mussolini with his arm raised. Memories of those dictatorships of the past and present. Patriarchy was the first structure of domination and subordination of history and even today remains a basic system of domination, the most powerful and enduring inequality and the least perceived as such.
Creation and interpretation: Beatriz Palenzuela Martinez.
Direction Assistant: Rafael de la Lastra.
Lighting Design: Sergio García.
Set and Wardrobe Design: Marta Llorente Pascual.
Music: Collage.
Photo: Miguel Angel García, BSLG, Jesús Antón and Paco Manzano.
Production: Inés Gutiérrez Arciniega – IMPULSARTS
Choreographic Production Support Comunidad de Madrid 2014.
Collaborators: Centro de Gestión de Recursos Escénicos La Nave del Duende Cáceres, Asociación Cultural Gruñidos Salvajes, Centro e Danza Canal Madrid, Coreógrafos en Comunidad Conde Duque Madrid and Ayuda a Gira del INAEM.
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