¿M.R.U.M.? Can You Give me a Movement/ Gift?


¿M.R.U.M.? Can You Give Me a Movement/Gift? is an idea concieved a few years ago when we began to wonder what would happen if the movements in a choreography, instead of coming from the choreographer or the dancers, came from the inhabitants of a city. The creative process developed around these “movements gifts” which become the driving force in the performance creation.¿M.R.U.M.? Aims to be an interactive creation between people, a lived journey, a surprise,a game and a powerful stimulation for contemporary creation. It consists in three parts: Scenic Project, VideoInstallation and Laboratory of Contemporary Creation.
Director: Beatriz Palenzuela.
Asistant director: Rafael de la Lastra.
Performed by: Noelia García Baz, Ugne Dievaityte, Rafael de la Lastra y Beatriz Palenzuela.
Music: Created by Chema Palenzuela.
Audiovisual: Tristana Castilla.
Lighting Desing: Sergio G. Dominguez.
Photography: Jesús Robisco.
Collaborators: Paso a 2 Plataforma Coreográfica, Proximidad Cultural Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Distrito de Tetuán, Centro Cultural Eduardo Úrculo and A.C. Gruñidos Salvajes.
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