No title yet… what if we were swallowed by an animal? has two formats: one on stage and another short version for unconventional venues.

A big animal swallowed us, chews us, pulls our bodies apart, its wet tongue shakes us in the big hole of its jaws, sound is empty, air is hot, melts us, pulses like a burning heart, upsetting us. “The border is the place where civilization can move forward at the expenses of the wild. It’s a thin geographic line where old and new, known and unknown, meet each other and set boundaries” No title yet… what if we were swallowed by an animal? has two formats: one on stage and another short version for unconventional venues.
Choreographer and director: Beatriz Palenzuela.
Director Assistant: Rafael de la Lastra.
Dancers: Elena Susilla, Rafael de la Lastra y Beatriz Palenzuela.
Set and Costume Design: Babirusa Danza.
Soundtrack: Original Music José Tranki and Chema Palenzuela.
Executive Producer Inés Gutiérrez Arciniega / IMPULSARTS.
Photography: Sergio López y Miquel Esteve
Choreographic Production Support Comunidad de Madrid 2016.
Collaborators: Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria, Centro de Gestión de Recursos Escénicos La Nave del Duende Cáceres, L ́Estruch Fàbrica de Creació
Sabadell, Centro e Danaza Canal Madrid, Coreógrafos en Comunidad Conde Duque Madrid y Ayuda a Gira del INAEM.
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